Top 10 mistakes to avoid when launching your ESOP

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Thinking about launching an ESOP? A smart move! An ESOP can be a powerful tool to attract, motivate, and retain top talent. But there are some common pitfalls that can undermine your efforts. To help you set up your ESOP right, we’ve put together a quick guide on the top mistakes to avoid.

CloudTalk’s ESOP journey

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CloudTalk is a next generation calling software helping businesses connect with their customers. CloudTalk strongly believes that customer experience can give businesses a crucial competitive edge. It also believes that ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) is a key component to having a dedicated and engaged team.

Design your own market-standard phantom ESOP

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Launching an ESOP is like climbing Mount Everest - most of the work has to be done before you begin the ascent. If you’re an early-stage startup from Czech or Slovakia, phantom (virtual) plan is likely a perfect fit for you.

How to fail fast to scale product development

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When developing a new product, it can be difficult to stay on the ground and kill a feature if it’s going in the wrong direction. But by doing so, you can save a lot of resources and focus on more promising features or products. To illustrate this point, we’re here to share our own experience with building our first ESOP platform.

Explain how ESOP works to your team

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When it comes to rolling out an ESOP, the legal part can easily overshadow the heart of the matter: clear communication with your team. At the end of the day, the ESOP program aims to motivate your employees by sharing the company's success with them. But, if your team isn’t entirely clued into what ESOP is, how it benefits them, or how it works, all your hard work may fall flat. Learn how to communicate it well so your team gets the most our of it.

New ESOP regulations in the eyes of our CEO, Stefan Surina

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There has been a lot happening in the startup world in 2023, but more is to come in 2024. Slovakia took a significant step forward in enhancing the ESOP legal framework, and Czechia soon followed. What does our CEO, Stefan Surina, think about the new legislations?

About the Czech startup ecosystem & ESOP on the GIScast

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At the last Global Investment Summit, our CEO, Stefan, chatted with Ondrej Smykal on the GIScast. What about? The Czech startup ecosystem and the new ESOP legislation.

ESOP vocabulary

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ESOP might sound complicated, but it doesn't have to be. We've created a list of the most commonly used ESOP terms and broken them down into simple language that's easy for anyone to understand. Let's get started!

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